Friday, May 29, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
well,nothing gd really happened today...
sorry people,
maybe i am in a lousy mood
compared to the rest of e days
i didnt mean to hurt any of you
either by e actions or the words i said
am i drifting further and further from my friends?
things seemed to change
its not what it used to be like before
today after school went to eat with
HuiYi,Jezreel,Ocy and blabla...
actually was planning to go whitesands derh
then very sian
later no time to rush back for cca
after that went for dance practice
wha,the instuctor like change person
: D
its better that way
after that bused home with
Dawn,Val,Carissa and HuiYi
mrs anne lim is gonna retire
sad ...
we didnt want her to leave
we used to think that she is sometimes...
but she brings joy to us
she do things which made us laugh
she is not gonna teach us for the next term lerh
although she will still be teaching after retirement
she is teaching e sec 2 classes
not the same lerh
today is the last day she is teaching us
gave presents to those top pupils
well thanks Mrs Lim
for the joy u bring to us
and e knowledge u gave us
we are gonna miss ya badly
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
today went to east coast park
for e wad green ... race
it was ok...tiring
picked litter *lols*
got dead fish ...
bird head...
fine it was disgusting...
but the more litter u pick
the more points we get
these three days
post exam activities
all under e sun derh
damn hot larhs
make me dark so much
Mon-captain's ball friendly match with alot of class
Tue-wad ... aiya wadever thing
Wed- green ... race
Anyways SamTay send me a message
saying that there is a wadever carnival tmr
at jyps : D
most likely going back with them : D
can't wait
well the photos for east coast park
will upload some other day
abit only hahas
Friday, May 22, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
it has been a few days since i last post
tried to pon malay lesson today
almost the whole class larhs
all no mood study malay derh
but then teacher came lerh
but during lesson was crapping alot with ocy
abit with Samantha and YahZhen too
damn funny
about 2.15 like that
I and Dawn left for dance meeting
didn't expect the meeting to be so long sia
was planning to go to kellyn's house derh
then in the end...
anyways sorry kellyn and ocy
''rang ni men bai deng''
well after dance meeting
waiting for HuiYi and Carissa
I and Valerie took some pic.
bused home together
then went inter the mac ''da bao''
i bought fries
nice larhs ^^
saw SamHew
haha so happy
she was with her friends but anyways
chatted with her for quite a while
hope to see them soon
{'3 HELLO !
{'3 HELLO !

{'3 HELLO !
{'3 HELLO !
{'3 HELLO !
{'3 HELLO !
{'3 HELLO !

Monday, May 18, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
yays, MYE is finally over^^
but soon, exams are coming again_-_
anyways, now must quickly enjoy
as usual, hang out with jezreel and huiyi again
and of course O.C.Y!!!
went to eat 1st after math pp1
i and huiyi bought fries
omg, the size of the *container* is like
damn gigantic sia
after eating played hide and seek
in the mall again
went to jezreel's house after that
her house damn FUN!
got alot of things to play
soccer set?...(wadever its called)
take turns to play audi
aiya lots larhs
can't believe we actually skating in the house !
then decided to get something cold
bubble tea? ice cream?
the weather hot like siao...
so went out to ... ( dont know how to spell the place)-lols
in skates!!!
we skate all the way there and back
go there, o.c.y and jezreel skate...
down the slope
fast sia
its funny
i support o.c.y
then on the way keep laughing
in the mall ocy skate...
didn't know how to use the brake
then she went on and on...
come back i and huiyi skate...
up the slope
this time we had to be pushed
haha...we all alot of time lose balance...
after that went home
me and ocy take our things
then went downstaires the playground
maybe going again soon ^^
too bad, today never take pictures
anyways sry Dawn and Kellyn
never go find u all
play blind-mice
maybe going again soon
Friday, May 15, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
next day after hcl
went to slack with jezreel,ocy n huiyi again
went to eat 1st
then play hide and seek in the mall
hahas, thats exciting
when i and huiyi hide
we were busy taking pictures...
after that jezreel said she had to get home
so everyone went back too
its fun hanging out with them!
{'3 HELLO !

does the pic of e character look familiar?
mao draw derh:D
{'3 HELLO !

my darling^^
{'3 HELLO !

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this is where i and huiyi hide when we play hide and seek!
{'3 HELLO !

family photo!
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bubble tea!
{'3 HELLO !

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Jezreel eating^^
Thursday, May 14, 2009
{'3 HELLO !

My darling ^^
{'3 HELLO !

the "pigs" ate this,hahas
{'3 HELLO !

another 1...
{'3 HELLO !

My new family
{'3 HELLO !

Nice bag(:
{'3 HELLO !

Looking at jezreel yeh^^
{'3 HELLO !

Dont cover ur face><
{'3 HELLO !

{'3 HELLO !

Jezreel,crazy laughing machine too
{'3 HELLO !
went to slack after lit exam
( if i am not wrong )
with my new family ^^
fun sia...
crapping all the way
jezreel ar...
also crazy laughing machine
after that went library slacked
but kristy and kaminni left 1st
leaving me,ocy,jezreel n huiyi
anyway also quite fun
crap in library...
after that bused home with huiyi darling
crap alots too^^
well had so much fun with this family^^
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
haiz....deleted a post accidently _-_
the post which i state my baobei's birthday
anyway again, here i go
HuiYi Darling's birthday is on the
15 jan !!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
well,screwed up my geog exam...
what will the results be like??
i didn't even dare to think of it
i tried to study and revise...
nothing gets into my head
this morning when got to school
asked Dawn to test me
I remember with all my might
after that bused to tampines inter with o.c.y darling^^ and regine
o.c.y wanted to drink milk tea
then we was like where is sweet talk ?
regine, o.c.y>''in front''
ya, you are right
in front until the mrt herbal tea
or wadever shop arhs
after that bused home...
rest a while
then started revising sci
tmr got 2 paper
math, sci
shall end here^^
gotta go and revise lerhx XX
Monday, May 11, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
Time is running out !
I need to study for geog
I must not fail
but can I...
can i really do it?
i seriously have no confidence
goeg is one of my weekest subject...
Gd Luck People^^
For tmr's geog^ paper^
Sunday, May 10, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
Credits to Kristy darling ^^ for teaching me ....
ya darling you know
lurve her loads larhs<3
yes,been tryin to edit my blog
still trying to post pic but,
the uploading, haiz...dont wanna talk about it
Happy Mother's Day
well gotta go and study my geog soon,
hope can get my blog done asap
Oh, i decided to delete part of my previous post anyway...
Friday, May 8, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
( well decided to delete part of this post to avoid further...)
Yes you all may not understand,
but nvm, just wanted to ...
well forget it ...
Anyways today after history and Hcl paper 1
went mac eat with ocy darling ^^
kellyn and regine also there...
after that went to kellyn's house a while...
played the piano,*anyhow play 1 larhs*
played balloon*dont find us lame(lol)*
played hide and seek
*yes all in the house*
Kellyn's house got alot of hiding place lorhs
when i was hiding with ocy,
i couldn't controll and burst out laughiing
... ... ... ...
how i hope this was the time when we just finished PSLE...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
haiz...finally completed the edu-learn the chinese
thx Dawn for make the effort to help me
love u loads ^^
tmr is History and Hcl the MYE
History!!! ( essays, whole page answers just for 1 question!!!)
anyway gd luck every1
Hope tmr morning can take same bus as Twinny ^^
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
today morning went school with o.c.y darling ^^ ( happy )
emoed on the bus a while,
cause still thinking about wad happened yesterday
darling ''an wei'' wo,
call me dont emo, hahas,* thx for everything *
only morning emo nia, after a while ok lerh
hahax, today didn't do the art presentation again^^
1 week after another..
anyway today chinese lesson was damn funny
no teacher and the whole class turning upside down
those boys scaring girls with the dirty duster...
playing catching, fighting here and there...
girls also^^, some eat burger outside classroom(lol)
some take other people pencil run here run there(lol)
me, took a bit of video,
darling tried taking video too, but caught by reagan...
after that bused home with with darling and kellyn
Anyway...tmr no school!
hahas edu learn day...
yes ! can sleep more ^^
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
Haiz...i think that another scolding or punishment is arriving
because of e maths paper,
well, i dont think u all know wad happened but anyway
hope that mr lim would forget about everything
Saturday, May 2, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
planning to meet up with SamTay they all
during June holidays.
Hope can go ice skating or wadever
, just as long as can with them can lerh^^
Friday, May 1, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
finished changing my blogskin
in total from yesterday until now changed two times le
by right i already used this
BUT do until going to finish
something went Wrong
after that can't find the skin anymore
but today by luck
happened to find it, so...
People pls tag to be link or relink^^