Friday, January 30, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
Lol, this year's birthday was cool. Friends had surprise for me. Seniors sang song for me and... so fun !anyway took some pics, for fun only :D{:
{'3 HELLO !

Saturday, January 24, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
Woots, i got into the modern dance CCA how cool, lol. Very fun. Count,count,count......3 lessons of dance over le. I like the dance steps lohs, i learned it already (some part) but cannot remember stressed up. Lol. Did they made the right choice by choosing me ? Anyway yesterday got dance practice then i and Dawn ealier go so still have time to chit chat(gossips) lol. Then those seniors started coming up. Then u know something. Dawn was like trying 1 part of the dance, then a boy senior ask''ni zai zuo shen me'' in a joking manner, then we are like so paiseh(laughing laughing) then we quickly go sit on the dance sofa near by the dance studio. Then i was just looking out and u guess wad, the senior say i or rather we( i dont noe which he refering to ) was trying to peak at him, lol. Then also got to know a few other seniors. You know wad, 1 of the girl seniors was like same name and same surname as me! cool, its just that her lydia is spelled in another way. Looking forward to the next practice!{:
Friday, January 16, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
Eh,just to inform u people, i already change hp no. liao hoh. Miss junyuan much!!! Dont noe when wanna go back...{:
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
Oh ya and satuday oso went to take edu save . When reach there , call my Cheng Teng come out bring me, lol. I was 3 sits away from her. Last year veri gd lohs, we sit together. Mm...then jerlyn was sitting beside her,but both of them dont noe each other. Then i saw this boy sitting behind me, i was like thinking he is Xing Yu(anyhow spell) but like not lehs,lol then really it was him, i tink he recognise Jerlyn they all but never recognise me ,lol, muahahaha...Then after the prize giving finish, saw my beloved RinRin called me, i missed her,so stayed with her till her sis prize giving over. Her grandma ask me to eat with them then i say never mind at home got rice, but still say want la eat together , nan de zai yi qi, lol then i just say i going out later, then go home, lol...{:
{'3 HELLO !
Hahas today very gd,no school all owe it to the Sec 4 or 5 seniors who take the o-level. I think the teachers quite happy with their results, then decided to give us 1 day holiday. Lol, then can sleep like a pig. Yesterday night went to Tm, Cs, interchange bla bla bla with cousin walk walk, shopping shopping. Not much things to see. Come back watch Tv. enjoy...but tmr have school le,have to wake up so early...{:
Sunday, January 4, 2009
{'3 HELLO !
Sry people these few days or maybe weeks or maybe months or maybe year cannot use com.!!! ( i like very KUA ZHANG like that lol) anyway no matter wad can't use com. as offen le D: that means i can't tagg u people's blog so often. Life at TMS...scary, everything is new. New friends, New teachers, New principal, New environment, New DM, New Seniors, New........... Ah...i just dont like this feeling, it feels odd and scary, no one that i know well, i just feel so out of place. Now i dont really look forward to school everyday. I think that this is just the starting thats why, maybe a few weeks later everything will start to turn for the better^^GtG{: